CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Surgery 13th Ed. (2010)

CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Surgery 13th Ed. (2010)To-the-point information on more than 1000 diseases and disorders surgeons are most likely to encounter the leading single-source surgery book for house-staff, students, practitioners, and surgeons.
Authoritative, concise, and completely up-to-date, CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Surgery features:

* Wide-ranging coverage that encompasses general surgery and all the important subspecialties including otolaryngology, urology, gynecology, orthopedics, plastic and reconstructive surgery, and pediatrics
* References linked to recent journal articles
* Logical quick-find organization made even more accessible by a comprehensive index
* More than 600 informative photographs and illustrations
* Detailed treatment algorithms
* NEW Chapter on Training, Communication, Professionalism, and Systems-Based Practice

CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Surgery 13th Ed. (2010).exe