Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Ortopedia. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Ortopedia. Mostrar todas las entradas

Key Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery. 2001.

Key Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery. 2001In comparison to large, overly detailed specialty texts, this practical new book is designed to give you the basic clinical steps of the most frequently performed orthopaedic procedures -- all in a clear, reproducible, easy-to-follow format. For quick review before an operation, a handy refresher, teaching tool, or learning aid, it is ideal!
Accompanied by hundreds of precise, hand-drawn diagrams, Key Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery presents 50 surgical procedures, each laid out in a step-by-step format. This structure is designed to allow the reader to quickly read about an operative procedure and review the salient points, with special emphasis on the technique. Every chapter includes indications, contraindications, pre-operative preparation, special instruments, positions, anesthesia, pearls, avoidance and post-operative care issues.

Key Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery. 2001.exe

A Practical Approach to Orthopaedic Medicine. 3rd Ed.

In the new third edition of this popular multidisciplinary text, Elaine Atkins, Jill Kerr and Emily Goodlad continue to advance the field of orthopaedic medicine. Always inspired by the work of Dr James Cyriax, this edition, renamed "A Practical Approach to Orthopaedic Medicine", updates techniques and incorporates recent research discoveries into the text. There are also self assessment tasks to test your understanding of orthopaedic medicine on EVOLVE, an online electronic learning solution site designed to work alongside textbooks to stimulate clinical reasoning and to enhance learning. The introductory chapters deal with the principles of orthopaedic medicine, with the following chapters taking the clinician through the practice of orthopaedic medicine joint by joint.

A Practical Approach to Orthopaedic Medicine. 3rd Ed..exe

Atlas of the Diabetic Foot

Foot ulcers occur in approximately 15% of the patients with diabetes mellitus in their lifetime, with a major impact on their quality of life. Many hospital admissions related to diabetes are due to foot ulcers, which can result in prolonged hospital stay and increased morbidity and mortality. The majority of lower limb amputations are performed in patients with diabetes every year (80,000 at least in the USA). Most of the diabetes-related foot problems can be prevented or their severity reduced by early detection and treatment. This book contributes to improved foot care through raised awareness of prevention, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and management among healthcare professionals.

Atlas of the Diabetic Foot.exe

Common Musculoskeletal Problems

Common Musculoskeletal ProblemsThis book differs from other texts on the market. It is not meant to serve as a comprehensive text for all musculoskeletal conditions; rather, it has been produced to act as an off-the-shelf guide to assist healthcare providers evaluating patients presenting with common musculoskeletal complaints in the primary care setting. It is best used at the point of care and should not be considered a primary reference text.

Common Musculoskeletal Problems.exe

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid ArthritisThis state-of-the-art reference provides current insights into the etiology, diagnosis and management of rheumatoid arthritis. Leading international authorities in RA examine all of the latest scientific and clinical developments in understanding and managing this challenging disease, including new concepts in pathogenesis, epidemiology, risk factors, imaging, clinical outcomes and treatment. It's the guidance you need to offer optimal care to your patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Atlas fotográfico de osteología con orientación palpatoria

Atlas fotográfico de osteología con orientación palpatoriaSin duda dentro de las ciencias y especialmente de las ciencias medicas, la anatomia es la menos dinamica. Se dice que es estatica porque casi todo ya se ha escrito y existen escasas modificaciones en los textos especializados, es esto probablemente una de las principales causas de la falta de motivacion por su estudio.
Los viejos textos de anatomia muchas veces no nos permiten advertir que esta materia sera siempre la madre de todos los conocimientos de las ciencias medicas que constituye la vida, morfologia, mecanica, funcion y su palpacion.
La finalidad de este libro no es precisamente aportar nuevos conocimientos anatomicos, sino entregar a los estudiantes una herramienta pedagogica que les permita comprender e internalizar la importancia de esta especialidad desde un punto de vista descriptivo e implicancia clinica.

Atlas fotográfico de osteología con orientación palpatoria.exe

Pediatric Orthopaedics

Pediatric OrthopaedicsNow in its updated Sixth Edition, this classic text remains a must-have for physicians and residents treating infants, children, or adolescents with orthopaedic problems. The foremost orthopaedists examine normal musculoskeletal development and the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of the entire range of abnormalities, with emphasis on evidence-based decision making in treatment selection. Many of this edition's clinical chapters include pearls and pitfalls and a description of the author's approach. This edition also has more clinical photographs.

Pediatric Orthopaedics.exe

MIS Techniques in Orthopedics

MIS Techniques in OrthopedicsThe technique-based text is geared for the orthopedic surgeon who is familiar with the features of MIS and now wants to master the approach. The book covers the shoulder and elbow, the hip, unicondylar knee arthroplasty, and MIS total knee arthroplasty, which are the four main focus areas for MIS joint replacement surgery. Chapters written by leading authorities in the field include usage techniques for the latest instrumentation, and they guide surgeons step-by-step through procedures. In addition, a section is devoted to computer-guided total hip and knee arthroplasty. More than 300 detailed line drawings and photographs supplement the discussion by clearly illustrating how the techniques are performed.
This practical resource is a great tool for orthopedic surgeons, residents, and fellows who want to confidently learn and apply cutting-edge MIS techniques.

MIS Techniques in Orthopedics.exe

Targeted Treatment of the Rheumatic Diseases

Targeted Treatment of the Rheumatic DiseasesTargeted Treatment of the Rheumatic Diseases takes a patient management approach to treating adult and pediatric patients with rheumatic diseases. Michael H. Weisman, Michael Weinblatt, James S Louie, and Ronald Van Vollenhoven offer their unique insights into choosing the correct pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies for your patients. Chapters cover the full breadth of rheumatic diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, connective tissue diseases, osteoporosis, regional pain disorders, and fibromyalgia. The full-color design presents detailed clinical photographs and treatment algorithms for visual guidance and easy reference. You'll have all you need to provide your patients with the most effective treatment from this unique resource.

Targeted Treatment of the Rheumatic Diseases.exe

Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain

Whiplash, Headache, and Neck PainA textbook and practical clinical handbook for all students and practitioners concerned with the evaluation, diagnosis, assessment and management of neck pain and cervical headache particularly in relation to whiplash. It is likely to become essential study for final year physiotherapy and chiropractic students, for all manipulative physiotherapy MSc students and a widely used clinical ref text for all involved in the assessment and management of whiplash and related neck and head pain.

Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain.exe

Radiology for Surgeons. 2002.

Radiology for Surgeons. 2002.Imaging is now an almost routine part of the first-line investigation of many patient conditions and, as such, it is vital that the surgeon has an understanding of how to rapidly interpret and diagnose all forms of images (plain film, CT, MRI etc.). Radiology for Surgeons is a superbly illustrated guide to interpreting all forms of images, aimed specifically at the trainee general surgeon. Information is presented by organ / system, and each 'case' is illustrated with high quality halftones and superb gross colour specimen illustrations where necessary to highlight underlying pathology. All 'cases' follow a consistent format, which aids understanding and rapid access to and assimilation of information.

Radiology for Surgeons. 2002.exe

Netter: Exploracion Clinica en Ortopedia

Netter: Exploracion Clinica en OrtopediaSe trata de una guía de referencia rápida y manejable para que el fisioterapeuta establezca la relevancia de los diferentes componentes de la exploración ortopédica.
* Presenta 281 tablas de evidencia con información esencial que orientará al clínico en la toma de decisiones respecto a la correcta aplicación de los tests clínicos.
* Cada una de las tablas suministran información específica sobre la validez diagnóstica, sensibilidad, especificidad y ratios de probabilidad para cada test.
* Incluye más de 300 imágenes, gran parte de ellas ilustraciones Dr. Netter, que facilitarán al lector la comprensión de la anatomía, artrología, miología y neurología sobre las que se basa el proceso de exploración.

Netter: Exploracion Clinica en Ortopedia.exe

Easy Injections

Easy InjectionsThis practical, one-of-a-kind manual guides you step by step through the most common injection techniques for a full range of disorders. Experts in the field help you assess whether an injection is indicated, localize the site, choose the correct needle, avoid possible complications, provide necessary post-injection care, and more. A user-friendly format, clinical pearls, state-of-the-art line drawings, and the latest guidelines make this handbook an essential reference for any physician performing an injection procedure.

Easy Injections.exe

Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approach

Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic ApproachA standard textbook for 25 years, Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approach is now in its Fourth Edition. Featuring 775 full-color illustrations, this atlas demonstrates the surgical approaches used in orthopaedics and provides a surgeon's-eye view of the relevant anatomy. Each chapter details the techniques and pitfalls of a surgical approach, gives a clear preview of anatomic landmarks and incisions, and highlights potential dangers of superficial and deep dissection. The Fourth Edition describes new minimally invasive approaches to the spine, proximal humerus, humeral shaft, distal femur, proximal tibia, and distal tibia. Other highlights include new external fixation approaches for many regions and surgical approaches to the os calcis. New illustrations of the appendicular skeleton are included. New drawings show the important neurovascular structures that need to be protected.

Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics. The Anatomic Approach.exe

Vertebral Tumors

Vertebral TumorsThis book emerged from the well-established annual Brussels Spine Symposium of 2006 which presented an update on the current trends and state of the art in spinal tumor care. An overview of the occurrence, frequency, and clinical appearance of spinal tumors is given by M. Benoist (France), whereas Boriani (Italy) presents today's available classification systems for spinal tumors which serve as a base to standardize oncologic treatment modalities. Specific diagnostic issues in children and in imaging of spinal metastases are addressed by Kaelin (Switzerland) and Lemort (Belgium), respectively.

Vertebral Tumors.exe

Arthritis in Color: Advanced Imaging of Arthritis

Arthritis in Color: Advanced Imaging of ArthritisArthritis in Color helps you understand the recent advances in the use of magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound for the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis. Written by three authorities in the field-Michael A. Bruno, MD; Gary E. Gold, MD; and Timothy J. Mosher, MD-and including more than 600 images, 300 in full color, this book gives you access to the current understanding and future directions in this dynamic field. With coverage of everything from the basic to the advanced, you'll have the guidance you need to make the most accurate diagnoses.

Arthritis in Color. Advanced Imaging of Arthritis.exe

Ortopedia. Netter

Ortopedia. NetterEsta es una obra esencial para el conocimiento de la fisiopatologia, el diagnostico y el tratamiento de las enfermedades musculoesqueléticas. La necesidad de un libro de texto de estas características queda demostrada por la frecuencia de las enfermedades abordadas, que ocupan el segundo puesto, por detrás de las enfermedades respiratorias, en la lista de razones que hacen que los pacientes acudan al médico, así como su diversidad, que va desde los traumatismos hasta las infecciones, pasando por las enfermedades metabólicas y neoplásicas.
Los pacientes que sufren enfermedades que afectan el sistema musculoesquelético son atendidos en muy diversos contextos sanitarios, lo que obliga a que la práctica totalidad de los médicos deban estar familiarizados con el diagnostico y tratamiento de estas enfermedades.

Ortopedia. Netter.exe

Ecografía del Aparato Locomotor

Ecografía del Aparato LocomotorEcografía del Aparato Locomotor es una obra que pone en nuestras manos, de manera teórica y práctica, el empleo del Ultrasonido de Alta Resolución en el diagnóstico imagenológico del aparato locomotor o sistema osteomioarticular.

Este libro representa un documento de referencia, sobre un método de diagnóstico de gran utilidad para los especialistas del área de la Medicina Deportiva, así como para los traumatólogos.

En la aplicación ulterior de técnicas quirúrgicas que han alcanzado un gran desarrollo en la “Escuela Cubana de Medicina del Deporte”, lo que ha permitido obtener reconocidos éxitos nacionales e internacionales.

Ecografía del Aparato Locomotor.exe

Bases Fisiologicas De La Terapia Manual Y De La Osteopatia

Bases Fisiologicas De La Terapia Manual Y De La OsteopatiaEs evidente que el cuerpo humano no ha cambiado y que su fisiología continúa siendo la misma desde hace muchos siglos. Pero, aunque la fisiología no ha cambiado, los medios investigación se han transformado. El conocimiento de la fisiología neuromuscular ha hecho progresos considerables y esto no puede pasar desapercibido por los terapeutas.
El autor, convencido de lo que la fisiología del movimiento es la sola y única base de la cinesiterapia, nos observa que somos mecanismos y como tales debemos conocer perfectamente la "mecánica humana" que pretendemos "reparar". Por ello, ha escrito este libro práctico, en el cual el terapeuta descubrirá por qué debe tratar a su paciente, cómo debe tratarle y con qué finalidades.

Bases Fisiologicas De La Terapia Manual Y De La Osteopatia.exe

Children's Orthopaedics and Fractures. 3rd Ed.

Children's Orthopaedics and Fractures. 3rd Ed.There have been many changes in children’s orthopaedics and considerable developments in fracture management, markedly improved use of external fixators and the scientific development of, for example, the Taylor spatial frame to correct complex deformities. The use of ultrasound has increased considerably in the diagnosis of children’s disorders and there are more sophisticated ways of analysing deformities. There are also new classifications for unstable slipped epiphysis and our genetic understanding of children’s disorders has increased exponentially.

Children's Orthopaedics and Fractures. 3rd Ed.exe